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2020 NIA Biomarker Network Meeting on Functional Genomics: RNA & Epigenetics in Population Health Research

Home Meetings - The NIA Biomarker Network 2020 NIA Biomarker Network Meeting on Functional Genomics: RNA & Epigenetics in Population Health Research


Apr 21 2020


11:00 am

2020 NIA Biomarker Network Meeting on Functional Genomics: RNA & Epigenetics in Population Health Research

Sample Processing and Analytic methods

Day 1: Virtual Meeting Agenda

  • Welcome
  • Novel Quality Control Metric Applications for RNA-Seq in Population Studies – Bharat Thyagarajan, Weihua Guan, Eileen Crimmins, Jessica Faul, David Weir, Sarah Munro.
  • Patterns of reliability: Assessing the reproducibility and integrity of DNA methylation measurement. Karen Sudgen
  • Longitudinal DNA Methylation Change in a Multi-ethnic Cohort Colter Mitchell, Erin Ware, Jonah Fisher, Kelly Bakulski, John Dou, Jessica Faul, Lisa Schneper, Daniel Notterman
  • Cell type methods in DNA methylation studies: Biological and epidemiological frameworks. Kelly M. Bakulski
  • Quantification of the pace of biological aging in humans through a blood test: a DNA methylation algorithm. Karen Sudgen
  • Brief discussion
  • Adjourn