Selected Publications on Biomarkers
Papers on Validation of Methods
- Eileen Crimmins, Yuan Zhang, Jung Ki Kim, Stephen Frochen, Hyewon Kang, Hyunju Shim, Jennifer Ailshire, Alan Potter, Jake Cofferen, Jessica Faul. (2020). Dried blood spots: Effects of less than optimal collection, shipping time, heat, and humidity. Ameerican Journal of Human Biology.
- Chen X, Crimmin EM, Hu P, Kim JK, Meng Q, Strauss J, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Zhao Y. (2019). Venous Blood-based Biomarkers in the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS): Rational, Design, and Results of the 2015 Wave. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2019 Jul 31
- Thomas D, Seeman T, Potter A, Hu P, Crimmins E, Herningtyas EH, Sumantri C, Frankenberg E. (2018). HPLC-based Measurement of Glycated Hemoglobin using Dried Blood Spots Collected under Adverse Field Conditions. Biodemography Soc Biol, 64(1), 43-62.
- Bharat Thyagarajan, Helene Barcelo, Eileen Crimmins, David Weir, Sharon Minnerath, Sithara Vivek, Jessica Faul. (2018). Effect of Delayed Cell Processing and Cryopreservation on Immunophenotyping in Multicenter Population Studies.” 2018. Journal of Immunological Methods. 2018 Dec; 463:61-70.
- Helene Barcelo, Jessica Faul, Eileen Crimmins, Bharat Thyagarajan. (2018). A Practical Cryopreservation and Staining Protocol for Immunophenotyping in Population Studies.” Curr Protoc Cytom. Apr;84(1): e35. doi: 10.1002/cpcy.35.
- Hu, P., Edenfield, M., Potter, A., Kale, V., Risbud, A., Williams, S., Lee, J., Bloom, D., Crimmins, E., & Seeman, T. (2014). Validation and modification of dried blood spot-based glycosylated hemoglobin assay for the longitudinal aging study in India. American Journal of Human Biology. (LASI)
- Hu, P., Herningtyas, H., Kale, V., Crimmins, E., Risbud, A., McCreath, H., O’Brien, J., Strauss, J., Bloom, D., & Seeman, T. (2015). Validation and Quality Control for Dried Blood Spot Based C-reactive Protein Assay: Experience from the Indonesia Family Life Survey and the Longitudinal Study of Aging in India. Biodemography and Social Biology. (IFLS, LASI)
- Crimmins, E., Kim, J. K., McCreath, H., Faul, J., Weir, D., & Seeman, T. (2014). Validation of blood-based assays using dried blood spots for use in large population studies. Biodemography and social biology, 60(1), 38-48. (HRS)
- Levine, M. E., & Crimmins, E. M. (2014). A comparison of methods for assessing mortality risk. American Journal of Human Biology, 26(6), 768-776. (NHANES)
- Vasunilashorn, S., Best, L. E., Kim, J. K., & Crimmins, E. M. (2014). Predicting Mortality from Profiles of Biological Risk and Performance Measures of Functioning. In Mortality in an International Perspective (pp. 119-135). Springer International Publishing. (NHANES)
- Crimmins, E. M., & Vasunilashorn, S. (2011). Links between biomarkers and mortality. In International handbook of adult mortality (pp. 381-398). Springer Netherlands.. (NHANES and others)
Papers on International Differences
- Zhang YS, Strauss JA, Hu P, Zhao Y, Crimmins EM. Links Between Mortality and Socioeconomic Characteristics, Disease Burden, and Biological and Physical Functioning in the Aging Chinese Population. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. 2021 Apr 10:gbab059.
- Saito Y, Kim JK, Davarian S, Hagedorn A, Crimmin EM. (2019). Cognitive Performance Among Older Persons in Japan and the United States. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 Sep 11.
- Crimmins EM. (2018). Older Persons in The Netherlands and the United States: Similar in Trends in Life in Good Cognitive Health and Different in Trends in Life Without Disability/Poor Health. Am J Public Health, 108(12), 1582-1583.
- Yuan Zhang and Eileen M. Crimmins. (2018). Urban-Rural Differentials in Age-Related Biological Risk among Middle-Aged and Older Chinese. International Journal of Public Health. Dec 8.
- Eileen M. Crimmins, Hyunju Shim, Yuan Zhang, Jung Ki Kim. (2018). Differences Between Men and Women in the Morbidity ” 2018. Clinical Chemistry. 65(1):135-145.
- Hu P, Wang S, Lee J. (2017). Socioeconomic gradients of cardiovascular risk factors in China and India: results from the China health and retirement longitudinal study and longitudinal aging study in India. Int J Public Health, 62(7), 763-773.
- Wheaton FV, Crimmins EM. (2016). Female disability disadvantage: a global perspective on sex differences in physical function and disability. Ageing Soc, 36(6), 1136-1156.
- Crimmins, E. M. (2015). Physiological Differences Across Populations Reflecting Early Life and Later Life Nutritional Status and Later Life Risk for Chronic Disease. Journal of Population Ageing, 1-19. (HRS, SEBAS, ELSA, MHAS, MxFLS, IFLS, CHARLS)
- Beltran-Sanchez, H., Crimmins, E. M., Teruel, G. M., & Thomas, D. (2011). Links between childhood and adult social circumstances and obesity and hypertension in the Mexican population. Journal of Aging and Health, 23(7), 1141-1165. (MxFLS)
- Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., Winking, J., Rodriguez, D. E., Vasunilashorn, S., Kim, J. K., … & Crimmins, E. (2009). Inflammation and infection do not promote arterial aging and cardiovascular disease risk factors among lean horticulturalists. PLoS One, 4(8), e6590. (Tsimane).
- Beltran-Sanchez, H., & Crimmins, E. M. (2013). Biological Risk in the Mexican Population at the Turn of the 21st Century. Journal of cross-cultural gerontology, 28(3), 299-316. (ENSANUT, NHANES)
- Vasunilashorn, S., Kim, J. K., Crimmins, E. M. (2013). International differences in the links between obesity and physiological dysregulation: the United States, England, and Taiwan. Journal of Obesity. (NHANES, SEBAS, ELSA)
- Davarian, S., Crimmins, E., Takahashi, A., & Saito, Y. (2013). Sociodemographic correlates of four indices of blood pressure and hypertension among older persons in Japan. Gerontology, 59(5),392-400. (NUJLSOA)
- Crimmins, E. M., Wheaton, F., Vasunilashorn, S., Beltran-Sanchez, H., Zhang, L., Kim, J. K. (2013). A Global Perspective on Physiological Change with Age. In Global Ageing in the Twenty-First Century: Challenges, Opportunities and Implications (pp.79-103). Ashgate Publishing Ltd: England. (NHANES, CHARLS, SEBAS, ELSA, IFLS, JNHANES, ENSANUT, MxFLS, Tsimane).
- Vasunilashorn, S., Crimmins, E. M., Kim, J. K., Winking, J., Gurven, M., Kaplan, H., & Finch, C. E. (2010). Blood lipids, infection, and inflammatory markers in the Tsimane of Bolivia. American Journal of Human Biology, 22(6), 731-740. (Tsimane)
- Crimmins, E. M., Vasunilashorn, S., Kim, J. K., Hagedorn, A., & Saito, Y. (2008). A comparison of biological risk factors in two populations: the United States and Japan. Population and development review, 34(3), 457-482. (JNHANES, NHANES)
Papers on Genetics
- Crimmins EM, Thyagarajan B, Levine ME, Weir DR, Faul J. Associations of Age, Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and Education With 13 Epigenetic Clocks in a Nationally Representative U.S. Sample: The Health and Retirement Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2021 May 22;76(6):1117-1123.
- Robinette, J. Boardman, E. Crimmins. (2019). Perceived Neighborhood Social Cohesion and Cardiometabolic Risk: A Gene x Environment Study. Biodemography and Social Biology. 64(3-4).
- Robinette J, Boardman J, Crimmins EM. (2019). Differential Vulnerability to Neighborhood Disorder: A Gene x Environment Interaction Study. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 73(5), 388-392.
- Ross KM, Cole SW, Carroll JE, Dunkel Schetter C. (2019). Elevated pro-inflammatory gene expression in the third trimester of pregnancy in mothers who experienced stressful life events. Brain Behav Immun, 76, 97-103.
- Black DS, Cole SW, Christodoulou G, Figueiredo JC. (2018). Genomic mechanisms of fatigue in survivors of colorectal cancer. Cancer, 124(12), 2637-2644.
- Levine ME, Crimmins EM, Weir DR, Cole SW. (2017). Contemporaneous Social Environment and the Architecture of Late-Life Gene Expression Profiles. Am J Epidemiol, 186(5), 503-509.
- Arpawong TE, Pendleton N, Mekli K, McArdle JJ, Gatz M, Armoskus C, Knowles JA, Prescott CA. (2017). Genetic variants specific to aging-related verbal memory: Insights from GWASs in a population-based cohort. PLoS One, 12(8), e0182448.
- Carroll JE, Irwin MR, Levine M, Seeman TE, Absher D, Assimes T, Horvath S. (2017).
- Epigenetic Aging and Immune Senescence in Women With Insomnia Symptoms: Findings From the Women’s Health Initiative Study. Biol Psychiatry, 81(2), 136-144.
- McDade TW, M Ross K, L Fried R, Arevalo JM, Ma J, Miller GE, Cole SW. (2016). Genome-Wide Profiling of RNA from Dried Blood Spots: Convergence with Bioinformatic Results Derived from Whole Venous Blood and Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells. Biodemography Soc Biol, 62(2), 182-197.
- Levine ME, Crimmins EM. (2016). A Genetic Network Associated With Stress Resistance, Longevity, and Cancer in Humans. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 71(6), 703-712.
- Carroll JE, Cole SW, Seeman TE, Breen EC, Witarama T, Arevalo JM, Ma J, Irwin (2016). Partial sleep deprivation activates the DNA damage response (DDR) and the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) in aged adult humans. Brain Behav Immun, 51, 223-229.
- Arpawong TE, Lee J, Phillips DF, Crimmins EM, Levine ME, Prescott CA. (2016). Effects of Recent Stress and Variation in the Serotonin Transporter Polymorphism (5-HTTLPR) on Depressive Symptoms: A Repeated-Measures Study of Adults Age 50 and Older. Behav Genet, 46(1), 72-88.
- Knight JM, Rizzo JD, Logan BR, Wang T, Arevalo JM, Ma J, Cole SW. (2016). Low Socioeconomic Status, Adverse Gene Expression Profiles, and Clinical Outcomes in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Recipients. Clin Cancer Res, 22, 69-78.
- Vedhara K, Gill S, Eldesouky L, Campbell BK, Arevalo JM, Ma J, Cole SW. (2015). Personality and gene expression: Do individual differences exist in the leukocyte transcriptome? Psychoneuroendocrinology, 52, 72-82.
- Levine, M. E., Crimmins, E. M., Prescott, C. A., Phillips, D., Arpawong, T. E., & Lee, J. (2014). A Polygenic Risk Score Associated with Measures of Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults. Biodemography and social biology, 60(2), 199-211. (HRS).
- Levine, M. E., Cole, S. W., Weir, D. R., & Crimmins, E. M. (2015). Childhood and Later Life Stressors and Increased Inflammatory Gene Expression at Older Ages. Social Science & Medicine, 130(2015), 16-22. (HRS).
- Vasunilashorn, S., Finch, C. E., Crimmins, E. M., Vikman, S. A., Stieglitz, J., Gurven, M., … & Allayee, H. (2011). Inflammatory gene variants in the Tsimane, an indigenous Bolivian population with a high infectious load.Biodemography and social biology, 57(1), 33-52.
Papers Using HRS
- Crimmins EM, Thyagarajan B, Levine ME, Weir DR, Faul J. Associations of Age, Sex, Race/Ethnicity, and Education With 13 Epigenetic Clocks in a Nationally Representative U.S. Sample: The Health and Retirement Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2021 May 22;76(6):1117-1123.
- Choi YJ, Ailshire J, Kim JK, Crimmins EM. (In Press). Diet Quality and Biological Risk in a National Sample of Older Americans. Journal of Aging and Health.
- Farina M, Zhang Y, Kim JK, Hayward M, Crimmins E. (2021). Trends in Dementia Prevalence, Incidence and Mortality in the United States (2000-2014): A short report. Journal of Aging and Health, 1-9.
- Wu Q, Ailshire A, Kim JK, Crimmins EM. (2021). Cardiometabolic Risk Trajectory among Older Americans: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. glab205.
- Choi YJ, Crimmins EM, Kim JK, Ailshire JA. (2021). Food and nutrient intake and diet quality among older Americans. Public Health Nutrition, 24(7), 1638-1647.
- Crimmins EM, Thyagarajan B, Kim JK, Weir D, Faul J. (2021). Quest for a summary measure of biological age: the health and retirement study. Geroscience, 43(1), 395-408.
- Hayward M, Farina M, Zhang Y, Kim JK, Crimmins EM. (2021). The Importance of Improving Educational Attainment for Dementia Prevalence Trends from 2000-2014, among Older non-Hispanic Black and White Americans. Journal of Gerontology Social Sciences. gbab015
- Crimmins EM. (2020). Social hallmarks of aging: Suggestions for geroscience research. Aging Research Reviews, 63, 101136.
- Stokes A, Weiss J, Kim JK, Crimmins EM. (2020). Contribution of Alzheimer’s disease and Related Dementias to US Mortality: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study, 2000-2009. Journal of American Medical Association Neurology. 2020 Aug 24:e202831.
- Farina M, Hayward M, Kim JK, Crimmins EM. (2020). Racial and Educational Disparities in Dementia and Dementia-Free Life Expectancy. Journal of Gerontology Social Sciences, 75(7), e105-e112.
- Sudharsanan N, Zhang Y, Payne C, Dow W, Crimmins E. (2020). Schooling and Adult Mortality in Middle-Income Countries: Surprising Education Gradients in Six Nationally-Representative Longitudinal Surveys. Social Science and Medicine: Population Health. Aug 19;12:100649.
- Zhu Y, Crimmins EM, Zissimopoulos JM. (2020). Sex, Race, and Age Differences in Prevalence of Dementia in Medicare Claims and Survey Data. Journal of Gerontology: Social Science: Series B, gbaa083.
- Kim JK, Crimmins EM. (2020). Blood Pressure and Mortality: Joint Effect of Blood Pressure Measures. Journal of Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Therapy, 2(1).
- Haghani A, Arpawong TE, Kim JK, Lewinger JP, Finch CE, Crimmins E. (2020). Female Vulnerability to the Effects of Smoking on Health Outcomes in Older People. PLoS ONE 15(6): e0234015.
- Crimmins EM, Yuan Z, Kim JK, Morgan L. (2021). Trends in Morbidity, Healthy Life Expectancy, and the Compression of Morbidity.. Musi, Nicolas & Hornsby, Peter J. (Eds.) (pp. 405-414). London: Academic Press.
- Mawhorter S, Crimmins EM, Ailshire JA. (2021) Housing and cardiometabolic risk among older renters and homeowners. Housing Studies
- Eileen Crimmins, Yuan Zhang, Jung Ki Kim, Morgan Levine. (2019). Changing Disease Prevalence, Incidence, and Mortality among Older Cohorts: the Health and Retirement Study. Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 74(S1), S21-S26.
- Uchechi Mitchell, Jennifer Ailshire, Jung Ki Kim, Eileen Crimmins. (2019). Black-white differences in twenty-year trends in cardiovascular risk in the United States, 1990-2010. Ethnicity & Diseeease, 29(4), 587-598.
- Farina MP, Hayward MD, Kim, JK, Crimmins EM. (2019). Racial and Educational Disparities in Cognitive Life Expectancies. J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci. Apr 25. pii: gbz046. doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbz046. PMID: 3111192.
- Yi Chen, Brian Tysinger, Julie Zissimopoulos. (2019). Analysis of Dementia in the U.S. Population using Medicare Claims: Insights from Linked Survey and Administrative Claims Data. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions. Jun 6;5:197-207.
- Yuan S. Zhang, Yasuhiko Saito, Eileen M. Crimmins. (2019). Changing Impact of Obesity on Active Life Expectancy of Older Americans. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. May 22. pii: glz133. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glz13.
- Liu Z, Chen X, Gill T, Ma C, Crimmins EM, Levine ME. (2019). Associations of genetics, behaviors, and life course circumstances with a novel aging and healthspan measure: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study. PLOS Medicine, 16(6), e1002827.
- Morgan Levine, Amal Harrati, Eileen M. (2018). Predictors and Implications of Accelerated Cognitive Aging. Biodemography and Social Biology, 64:2, 83-101.
- Kelvin Yen, Junxiang Wan, Hemal Mehta, Brendan Miller, Amy Christensen, Morgan Levine, Matthew Salomon, Sebastian Brandhorst, Jialin Xiao, Su-Jeong Kim, Daniel Campo, Gaylia Harry, Gerardo Navarrete, Valter Longo, Christian Pike,
- Wendy Mack, Howard Hodis, Eileen Crimmins, and Pinchas Cohen. (2018). Humanin Prevents Age-Related Cognitive Decline in Mice and is Associated with Improved Cognitive Age in Humans. Sci Rep. 8(1):14212.
- Brown LL, Zhang YS, Mitchell C, Ailshire J. (2018). Does Telomere Length Indicate Biological, Physical, and Cognitive Health Among Older Adults? Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 73(12), 1626-1632.
- Ailshire, J., & Crimmins, E. (2013). Physical and biological indicators of health and functioning in US oldest old. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics,33(1), 193-215. (HRS)
- Goldman, N., Turra, C. M., Rosero-Bixby, L., Weir, D., & Crimmins, E. (2011). Do biological measures mediate the relationship between education and health: A comparative study. Social science & medicine, 72(2), 307-315. (SEBAS, CRELES, HRS)
Papers Using MIDUS
- Donoho, C. J., Seeman, T.E., Sloan, R., & Crimmins, E. M, (2015). The Price the Heart Pays in a Bad Marriage: Marital Status, Marital Quality, Gender, and Heart Rate Variability in the MIDUS Cohort. Journal of Family Psychology.
- Friedman, E. M., Karlamangla, A. S., Gruenewald, T. L., Koretz, B., & Seeman, T. E. (2015). Early Life Adversity and Adult Biological Risk Profiles.Psychosomatic medicine, 77(2), 176-185. (MIDUS)
- Crandall, C. J., Karlamangla, A. S., Merkin, S. S., Binkley, N., Carr, D., Greendale, G. A., & Seeman, T. E. (2014). Adult bone strength of children from single-parent families: the Midlife in the United States Study. Osteoporosis International, 1-12. (MIDUS)
- Seeman, M., Merkin, S. S., Karlamangla, A., Koretz, B., & Seeman, T. (2014). Social status and biological dysregulation: The “status syndrome” and allostatic load. Social Science & Medicine, 118, 143-151. (MIDUS)
- Brooks, K. P., Gruenewald, T., Karlamangla, A., Hu, P., Koretz, B., & Seeman, T. E. (2014). Social relationships and allostatic load in the MIDUS study.Health Psychology, 33(11), 1373. (MIDUS)
- Miller-Martinez, D., Seeman, T., Karlamangla, A. S., Greendale, G. A., Binkley, N., & Crandall, C. J. (2014). Marital histories, marital support, and bone density: findings from the Midlife in the United States Study. Osteoporosis International, 25(4), 1327-1335. (MIDUS)
- Karlamangla, A. S., Miller-Martinez, D., Lachman, M. E., Tun, P. A., Koretz, B. K., & Seeman, T. E. (2014). Biological correlates of adult cognition: Midlife in the United States (MIDUS). Neurobiology of aging, 35(2), 387-394. (MIDUS)
- Donoho, C. J., Crimmins, E. M., & Seeman, T. E. (2013). Marital quality, gender, and markers of inflammation in the MIDUS cohort. Journal of Marriage and Family, 75(1), 127-141. (MIDUS)
Papers Using NHANES
- Liu Z, Kuo PL, Horvath S, Crimmins EM, Ferrucci L, Levine ME. (2018). A new aging measure captures morbidity and mortality risk across diverse subpopulations from NHANES IV: A cohort study. PLoS Med, 5(12), e1002718.
- Kim JK, Ailshire JA, Crimmins EM. (2019). Twenty-year trends in cardiovascular risk among men and women in the United States. Aging Clin Exp Res, 31(1), 135-143.
- Levine ME, Crimmins EM. Is 60 the New 50? (2018). Examining Changes in Biological Age Over the Past Two Decades. Demography, 55(2), 387-402.
- Upchurch DM, Rainisch BW, Chyu L. (2015). Greater Leisure Time Physical Activity Is Associated with Lower Allostatic Load in White, Black, and Mexican American Midlife Women: Findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999 through 2004. Womens Health Issues, 25(6), 680-687.
- Crimmins, E., Vasunilashorn, S., & Kim, J. K. (2008). Biomarkers of aging in human populations. Advances in Clinical Chemistry, 46, 27-32.
- Levine, M. E., Suarez, J. A., Brandhorst, S., Balasubramanian, P., Cheng, C. W., Madia, F., Fontana, L., Mirisola, M.,
- Guevara-Aguirre, J., Wan, J., Passarino, G., Kennedy, B., Wei M., Cohen, P., Crimmins, E., & Longo, V. D. (2014). Low protein intake is associated with a major reduction in IGF-1, cancer, and overall mortality in the 65 and younger but not older population. Cell metabolism, 19(3), 407-417. (NHANES).
- Levine, M. E., & Crimmins, E. M. (2014). Evidence of accelerated aging among African Americans and its implications for mortality. Social Science & Medicine, 118, 27-32 (NHANES)