NIA-Sponsored Biomarker Network Meeting
NIA-Sponsored Biomarker Network Meeting
@ The Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Conference, 2015
- Agenda
- Attendees
- Social Factors and Inflammation, Allostic Load, Biological Risk and Physiological Dysregulation
- Lee: Offspring’s Schooling and Inflammation of Older Parents
- Dellor & Upchurch: Child Maltreatment, Interpersonal Violence and Inflammation
- Kreuger, Hatzenbuehler and Upchurch: Sexual Identity Concordance and Allostatic Load
- Li, Yang, Yin, Shi and Zeng: Social Relationships and Cumulative Physiologcal Dysregulation among Chinese at Advance Ages: Findings from the CLHLS
- Using Dried Blood Spots
- Faul: Investigation of Dried Blood Spot HbA1c Measurement Errors Using TipTemp Stamps
- Snodgrass, Thiele, Eick, Chatterji, Naidoo, Madurai, and Kowal: Preliminary Dried Blood Spot Biomarker Data from the Study on global AGEing and adult health (SAGE)
- Eick, Urlacher, Kowal and Snodgrass: What a Drop Can(t) Do: Methodological Challenges Associated with Incorporating Dried Blood Spot Biomarkers into Population-based Research
- Updates on HRS Biomarkers
- Genetics
- New Measurement Approaches
- Gruenewald: The Use of Smart Devices (Tablets, Phones) to Collect Cognitive Performance and Self-Report Activity and Affect Data
- Herd, Rey, and DiLoreto: Incorporating the Microbiome into the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study
- Ford and Browning: Feasibility of Hair Collection for Biomarker Research in Population Studies of Adolescents: Updates from the Field
- Westerman, Pyka, Groos, Ehlers, Krause and Mueller: Semen Quality as Predictor of Mortality in a Cohort of Out-Patients of a German Andrology Clinic: Biomedical vs. Life with-children Pathways of Influence